166: Staying Connected When Life Gets Busy

Life is busy. Work, kids, Netflix, your phone. There are more things than ever pulling us away from our partners. Maintaining connection is a key component of a happy and healthy relationship. Use the actionable tips from today’s episode to stay connected and nurture your relationship. Today’s episode includes: Understanding the importance of greeting your partner when you leave or enter the house and how to do it Creating and implementing

2018-09-25T22:18:17-04:00September 26th, 2018|

165: Key Tools to Obtain a Healthy Relationship

Why are relationships so damn hard!? Simply put: We weren’t born with all of the tools to live, love and create a life with another human. It takes practice and hard work! Like any good tool box, the more variety of solid tools you have, the better you’ll be able to repair things (your relationship). Listen to this episode’s value bomb of a show to learn key tools to start applying

2018-09-18T22:06:36-04:00September 19th, 2018|

164: The 15 Minute Relationship Fix

Sound too good to be true? Well...depending on the state of your relationship, you may not fix EVERYTHING in 15 minutes, but this episode will put you well on the path to a happier relationship. Listen and learn the steps to Dr. Black’s 15 minute relationship fix exercise. Learn the 15 minute relationship exercise that guides you and your partner through an ‘emotional conference’ to share your emotions and better understand

2018-09-12T06:08:59-04:00September 12th, 2018|

163: The Importance of Showing Appreciation In Your Relationship

It’s easy to become complacent in our relationship. The longer we’ve been with someone, the more we often take them for granted. This can feel terrible for both partners and can lead to relationship dissatisfaction and worse. Don’t let feelings of monotony and under appreciation seep into your relationship. Use the simple tips in this episode to make a lasting and positive impact on your relationship. Learn how to compliment your

2018-09-05T20:12:59-04:00September 5th, 2018|

162: New Relationship Rules

Who doesn’t want to have better sex in their relationship!? The path to better sex doesn't have to be confusing and difficult. You have the power to initiate the changes you want for better, hotter more intimate sex. Listen to today’s episode to learn the exact steps to make these changes. Learn how to ask for what you want in bed and how to tolerate sometimes not getting it Understand that

2018-08-29T00:19:19-04:00August 29th, 2018|

161: Is Your Partner A Messy Slob?

Taking out the trash, washing the dishes and cleaning the room all sound like pretty normal household tasks. However, when you share a house with a partner, these tasks can lead to arguments, resentments and problems in your relationship. Listen to today’s episode to learn how to best communicate and navigate the division of labor in your household. Learn why you need to be clear about each partner’s roles in the

2018-08-22T00:42:45-04:00August 22nd, 2018|

160: How to Know You’re Ready For Marriage Or Kids

Are we ever really ready to get married or have kids? It’s a big question! There are some key things we need to ask ourselves in order to make a well informed, smart decision regarding these big life decisions. Listen to today’s show to learn how to ask the right questions. In this episode we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Why it’s important that you not seek a partner to ‘complete

2018-08-14T20:12:48-04:00August 15th, 2018|

159: What’s Your Romantic Personality?

Understanding our romantic personality can help us find the love of our lives or better navigate an existing relationship. In today’s episode, Dr. Alex Avila takes Chase and Sarah through exercises to determine their own personality types, and show how they match (or don’t!). Listen to today’s show to better understand yourself and your current or future partner. In this episode we discuss relationship advice topics that include: The four personality types

2018-08-08T01:05:49-04:00August 8th, 2018|

158: Key Factors For Conflict Resolution in Your Relationship

Conflict is an inevitable and necessary part of every relationship. It can eat away at the love or it can help your relationship flourish. Knowing the key tools for conflict resolution can help us all navigate arguments in a way that will be productive and positive. Listen to today’s show to learn valuable conflict resolution tips. In this episode we discuss relationship advice topics that include: How to get a partner who

2018-08-28T20:55:17-04:00August 1st, 2018|

157: Eliminate These Toxic Relationship Patterns For A Happier Life

Research consistently found that it takes four positive comments to recover from one negative comment from a partner. That ratio means that criticism is a highly ineffective way of communicating in your relationship with your partner. In this episode, Dr. Julie Colwell teaches how to shift out of toxic relationship patterns such as reactive brain, blame and criticism and instead, show appreciation for our partner. Dr. Julie Colwell is a psychologist

2018-07-25T00:47:25-04:00July 25th, 2018|
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