14: Why Acting Like A Kid Can Help Your Relationship

Join us as Justin Kelly McClure shares his expertise on creating a fulfilling and successful relationship. In this episode, Justin gives relationship advice on Why Acting Like A Kid Can Help Your Relationships. About Justin Kelly McClure Justin Kelly McClure is an author, comedian, certified health and nutrition coach and runs a website called OnlineDatingCritic.net. We love Justin's opinions on bios: The worth of someone is decided on the content they create, not

2018-08-15T18:57:42-04:00April 16th, 2014|

6: How To ‘Train’ Your Man

Join us as Dr. Greg Cason shares his expertise on creating a successful and fulfilling relationship. About Dr. Greg Cason Dr. Greg Cason is a licensed psychologist in Beverly Hills specializing in cognitive therapy with individuals and couples. He has his undergrad from UCLA, Masters from California State University and PhD from University of Houston. Throughout his more than 15 years as a licensed psychologist in California, he has treated several

2018-08-15T18:55:15-04:00March 21st, 2014|
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