327: Difficult Life Situations And How To Navigate Them

Dan Shapiro never thought he would have to become his wife's caretaker and raise three kids on his own, but that's just what happened. Life can throw us curve balls and navigating them can become extremely difficult. Listen to today's show to hear Dan's story and know that if you're struggling, you're not alone. In this episode with Dan Shapiro, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: How to navigate trauma in a

2021-11-26T08:31:24-04:00November 17th, 2021|

326: I love You, But I’m Not In Love With You

The title of today's episode is something we may feel or something we may have been told. Fortunately, there is a lot of hope if you find yourself on the giving or receiving side of this sentiment. Listen to today's show to learn how to navigate the loss of love and passion in your relationship. In this episode with Andrew Marshall, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Learn what to

2021-11-17T22:48:04-04:00November 10th, 2021|

325: Unfair Relationship Expectations

Our expectations color the world we inhabit. Sometimes we expect our partner to behave in a certain way and are most disappointed when they don't. Listen to today's show to understand relationship expectations and how to navigate them in the most productive way possible. In this episode with Elizabeth Earnshaw, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Understanding your expectations and if they may be unfair The value of getting curious with your

2021-11-09T11:00:03-04:00November 9th, 2021|

323: Conflict Resolution, Blending Families, Marriage Retreats And More!

How do you blend a family of seven, and still maintain a healthy marriage? Dr. Jamison is doing just that, and wants to share her insights with the world. Listen to today's show to learn valuable lessons from Dr. Jamison and much more! In this episode, we discuss relationship advice topics that include Learn valuable tips for blending a family The importance of creating a habit of paying attention to your

2021-10-23T10:06:11-04:00October 20th, 2021|

312: Key Factors For Relationship Success

Relationships take work and sometimes we want an easy answer to our relationship issues. The secret is there is no secret! There are many factors that lead to successful relationships. Listen to today's show to understand some of the key factors for relationship success according to a relationship therapist who's been practicing and married for 27 years. In this episode with Colin Wilford, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Understanding

2021-08-09T10:25:02-04:00August 9th, 2021|

311: Love Lockdown

We can learn a lot from the relationships of other people. The trials and tribulations of relationships are not always unique to you, so there's a lot of value in sharing and learning about other relationships. The relationships of those who are incarcerated can provide a unique lens through which we can look at our own relationship. Listen to today's show to hear from Elizabeth Greenwood, an investigative journalist who spent

2021-07-30T13:09:26-04:00July 30th, 2021|

309: The Psychology Of Forgiveness

Learning to forgive your partner, friends and family is a core component to living a life free of resentment, anger and unhappiness. Listen to today's show to learn about forgiveness, and how to do it better. In this episode with Dr. Robert Enright, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Understanding the paradox of forgiveness Learn the roadmap to forgiveness that's based on decades of research How to get rid of

2021-07-18T19:56:12-04:00July 18th, 2021|

305: Understanding Divorce To Improve Relationships

Unfortunately, divorce is a part of many peoples lives. Denying this fact will not serve us and can actually hurt relationships. Listen to today's show to better understand the different types of divorces, and how to navigate divorce in the best way possible. Whether you're going through a divorce, are the child of divorced parents, a friend to someone going through a divorce or are in a happy relationship, there's a

2021-06-18T00:22:52-04:00June 18th, 2021|

304: Ask Hard Questions To Improve Your Relationship

Susan Piver is the author of the classic relationship book, The Hard Questions. On today's show we talk with Susan about how she came up with the questions in the book, which questions are her favorite, the value of asking questions to ourselves and our partners and much more! In this episode, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Why you should start with your deal breakers when asking hard questions

2021-06-14T14:37:17-04:00June 14th, 2021|

298: Amazing Tools For Better Communication

We can't talk about communication enough on this show. It's a core tenant of any relationship in our lives. Listen to today's show to get great tips for improving your communication skills from two legends in the field of relationships. In this episode with Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen Hunt, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: How to start a conversation so it goes as smoothly as possible The

2021-05-02T17:54:59-04:00May 2nd, 2021|
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