357: Prodependence, Sex, Love And Addiction

Supporting a partner with an addiction can be a very challenging journey. Dr. Weiss' prodependence approach revolutionized addiction healthcare by improving the ways we treat loved ones of addicts and other troubled people by offering them more dignity for their suffering rather than blame for the problem. Listen to today's episode to learn more about prodependence.  In this episode with Dr. Rob Weiss, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Understanding how

2022-06-20T17:39:57-04:00June 20th, 2022|

356: Who Pays For The Bill In Your Relationship?

Gender equality is an important issue with broad societal implications. A great place to start addressing gender equality is in your current or future relationships. Listen to today's show to learn more about creating a gender equitable relationship. In this episode with Kate Mangino, PhD, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: How to talk about gender equality when dating Who should pay for a meal when you're dating? Addressing the disconnect

2022-06-10T11:02:13-04:00June 9th, 2022|

355: Four Key Communication Tips For Your Relationship

Improving communication in your relationship takes work and practice. Listen to today's show to learn four communication mistakes many of us make and how we can improve them.  In this episode with Sonya Jensen, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: How to identify what you feel and communicate what you need How to communicate with more depth in your relationship Understanding what you should expect from a relationship Stonewalling and how

2022-06-27T12:01:48-04:00June 3rd, 2022|

354: Introducing Your New Partner To Your Kids

There are many important areas to navigate as a divorced couple with kids. How and when to introduce new partners is just one area that is important to think about for the health of your children and the relationship with your ex. Listen to today's show to learn how to navigate these issues and more! In this episode with Dr. Ann Buscho, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Learn how and

2022-06-03T15:31:02-04:00June 1st, 2022|

353: Make Your Sex Life Magical

We all want to have better sex in our relationships, but don't always know how to make that happen. Today's episode is full of useful, actionable tips to start improving your sex life today! In this episode with Frank Wiegers, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Sex as a spiritual experience The importance of emotional connection with your sexual partner Rituals for communication in your relationship How to play, Simon Says, in

2022-05-18T12:39:54-04:00May 18th, 2022|

352: How To Navigate Narcissism In Relationships

When narcissism rears its ugly head, it can have extremely detrimental effects on your relationship. Listen to today's show for an in depth look at how narcissism can negatively impact your relationship and how to navigate it. In this episode with Darlene Lancer LMFT, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Is there such a thing as 'healthy' narcissism? The 5 characteristics of narcissism How to recognize abuse in your relationship What to

2022-05-14T14:51:41-04:00May 14th, 2022|

351: How Exercise Will Improve Your Relationship

It's no secret that exercise will improve your health and wellness. However, we don't talk about its positive effects on mental health and relationships nearly enough on this show. Today we're going to dive in and focus on the benefits of exercise for your relationship so you can start using these tools for improving your life today! In this episode with Dr. Jennifer Heisz, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Understanding the connection

2022-05-05T20:42:12-04:00May 5th, 2022|

350: Top Sexual Communication Practices

Communicating in and around the bedroom will help you have better, more connected sex and improve your relationship. Listen to today's show to learn how to best communicate needs and wants around sex and ignite passion with your partner. Hang on, today's episode may get hot and steamy! In this episode with Dr. Tara, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Why many of us lack the skills and awareness to communicate around

2022-04-26T15:12:39-04:00April 27th, 2022|

349: The Best Ways To Navigate Divorce

We're a relationship advice podcast that wants to help you improve your relationships. A harsh reality is that sometimes a relationship will end in a breakup, separation or divorce. We still want to give you the tools to navigate these endings in the best way possible. Listen to today's show to learn how to navigate a divorce in the healthiest way possible. In this episode with Kelly Frawley and Emily Pollock,

2022-04-18T11:52:22-04:00April 20th, 2022|

348: Listen Better And Improve Your Relationship

Feeling heard in our relationships is one of the best feelings we can have. However, most of us have never been taught how to be a good listener for our friends, family and romantic partners. Listen to today's show to learn how to become a better listener and begin improving your relationships right away! In this episode with Terri Lonowski, we discuss relationship advice topics that include: Why listening is so important to a

2022-04-13T11:37:11-04:00April 13th, 2022|
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