Thea and Duane Harvey have been guests on our show twice and we have learned so many great relationship strengthening tools from them.

They are holding a class, Creating Conscious Relationships, on June 3rd in Culver City, California. Read more about it below in this letter from Thea!

Dear Women,

Embrace your life. Learn how to draw in more of what you want in relationship: connection, joy, laughter, ecstasy!

Join me at WMN Space on Sunday, June 3rd from 3-5pm for my class, Creating Conscious Relationships. This month the theme is Embrace.

Embrace means to hold someone affectionally and to accept a change willingly and enthusiastically.

Now is the time to embrace the relationship of your dreams. It’s possible, join me on June 3rd and learn how. You can register here Or let me know how I can assist you by emailing me at [email protected] or texting me at 310-948-4727.

All my best,
Thea Harvey, MA, MFT

Harvey Center for Relationships
Santa Monica, CA 9040

Links to Past Episodes

Episode 18: Thea and Duane Harvey on What No One Tells You About Marriage

Episode 98: Turning Conflict Into Passion