Join us as Marina Margulis shares her expertise on creating a fulfilling and successful relationship. In this episode, Marina gives relationship advice on 10 signs you’re ready for marriage.
About Marina Margulis 
Marina is the founder and CEO of NY Socials. She is regarded as a top matchmaker and dating and relationship coach in New York City. She hold a professional Certified Match Maker certification from the Match Making Institute of America, as well as a Certified Professional Coach certification from Fowler International Academy of Professional Coaching. Through New York Socials, Marina offers a suite of high end dating services for members of the club.
Marina’s Article
10 Telltale Signs You Are Ready for Marriage
Daily Tip
Say I love you.
Relationship Advice Resource
Send questions to Marina here: New York Socials
Tips for Engaged Couples or Newlyweds
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
If You Could Give Only One Piece of Advice…
Enjoy each others company!